As a supra-regional construction services provider, we have been realizing public and commercial construction and infrastructure projects for more than 30 years with over 100 employees and an annual turnover of around 30 million euros. The focus is on waterway construction. With our nationwide expertise, we make a significant contribution to preventive flood protection and the renaturation of regulated watercourses.
Convince yourself of your new team.
I found my acceptance into the BH team to be consistently positive. I was shown appreciation and trust right from the start. The onboarding process also went smoothly. I encountered an open interest in my ideas and suggestions, which were in demand right from the start.
I really appreciate the collegial cooperation and constructive collaboration with my colleagues. When it comes to implementing the projects I am responsible for, I particularly enjoy the freedom of action that my superiors give me. The entire organization and execution are completely in my hands. I very much appreciate the trust placed in me and the many opportunities for advancement.
Do you like this job? Arrange a non-binding introductory meeting with Markus in 2 minutes!